What is Aikido?
AIKIDO | 合氣道
Founded by Morihei Ueshiba, is a martial art that focuses on harmonizing with your opponent and bringing peaceful resolutions to situations involving conflict. This can also be known as Self-Defense
The Japanese martial art of Aikido is a comprehensive system of throwing, joint-locking, striking and pinning techniques, representing a distillation of centuries of Japanese martial knowledge. For Ueshiba, Aikido was a path of self-development, a martial art that is not only a means of vanquishing a foe, but as a means of promoting the positive character of the ideal warrior. He believed that it could be a means for anyone to follow the same path. Aikido is shugyo: an intense physical and spiritual training to perfect human character and develop true wisdom.
“To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace.”
- Morihei Ueshiba
Traditional Aikido is non-competitive and promotions do not come through besting an opponent, but through demonstrating an understanding of basic exercises and techniques, which become more demanding or difficult as rank increases. In Aikido we strive to work in cooperation with a partner, still employing effective techniques against an energetic and realistic attack, yet doing so by blending with the attack and redirecting its energy back to the attacker.
Aikido is a very effective martial art for self-defense, not only because it teaches us how to defend against a variety of attacks, but because it is also training our state of mind and physical condition. Improved posture and breathing help us to fit better into our bodies; a positive state of mind affects how we move in the world and how we are perceived by others. The ability to maintain the physical center and mental calm helps us meet stressful situations or resolve conflict in various situations in the dojo, on the street, at school, in a business meeting, or at home.